Local Wood.
Global Impact.
We develop wood-based, environmentally friendly business models, technologies and products – for a sustainable future for generations to come.
Local Wood.
Global Impact.
We develop wood-based, environmentally friendly business models, technologies and products – for a sustainable future for generations to come.
We Enable Sustainable Businesses – with Greentech.
Swiss Wood Solutions delivers wood-based frontier technology. Our greentech innovations promote sustainable development – in ecological and economic terms, and always in the interests of society as a whole. Using wood sourced from local, ecologically managed forests, we develop fully functional alternatives to tropical timber, plastic and composite materials. In doing so, we help sustainable businesses to introduce resource-conserving innovations and to decarbonize products and manufacturing processes.
We are a Technology and Business Incubator for Sustainable Businesses.
As an incubator for sustainable, wood-based technologies and business models, we support businesses and institutions from development right through to the market rollout of resource-conserving innovations. Alongside product development, our services include market analysis, business planning, patent protection, small-batch production, certification processes and the marketing of pilot products.
Find out more about our incubator services >

Our Core Expertise in Greentech: Technology and Business Development.
Swiss Wood Solutions combines solid greentech know-how in the field of wood-based technologies with comprehensive economic expertise. As a technology and business incubator, we develop innovative, sustainable solutions and the right business models to take them through to successful market rollout. The result is credible and verifiable sustainability – a highly relevant strategic factor where businesses success is concerned.
Swiss Wood Solutions as a Technology Incubator: Core Expertise in Wood-Based Technologies
Our experts have in-depth knowledge of the wood industry, wood physics and wood mechanics, bonding technology and adhesive applications, nanobiology and material sciences. With their wide range of scientific backgrounds and extensive practical experience, they are able to create innovations and develop them to certification and commercial maturity. This gives us a leading edge in the world of wood-based technology solutions.
Swiss Wood Solutions as a Business Incubator: Developing Sustainable Business Models
We are the leading business when it comes to corporate development and the marketing of new wood-based technologies. Our team of experts is made up of experienced specialists with solid know-how in business management and marketing.
They understand the specific requirements of a go-to-market strategy for ecologically sustainable innovations and know how to implement them effectively. As a result, we are able not only to develop pioneering technologies and products but to test their future viability and cost-effectiveness too.

Successfully Implemented Greentech Solutions: The Densified Wood Example.
Following extensive research and development, we managed to create a method for densifying wood sourced from sustainably managed, local forests. We use it to process local wood types until they attain the characteristics needed for the end product.
The method has allowed us to match and even surpass the physical and mechanical properties of tropical timber and plastic. Today, this technology is helping to replace the use of endangered tropical timber species in musical instrument making and enabling the introduction of plastic-free bank and access cards.
Shaping the Future for Our Partners:
Innovation for Sustainable Businesses.
We develop sustainable solutions and business models right through to market rollout. We then spin these off into specialized subsidiaries for series production and for marketing and sales, or issue licenses to suitable businesses.
Successfully Implemented Solutions
Technology and manufacturing expertise, business management know-how, and close collaboration with our partners have all played a role in ensuring the successful realization of solutions in a range of different areas.

The Major Challenge for Businesses: Ecological Sustainability.
Our solutions play a key role in our clients’ sustainable development. A credible ecological sustainability strategy is crucial for any future-oriented business. The need for action is becoming more acute as stakeholders demand verifiable sustainability. At the same time, there is a growing demand for environmentally friendly alternatives to harmful materials, while the limited availability of natural resources is leading to bottlenecks in the supply chains.
Pressure to Improve Sustainability:
Regulations, Taxation, Image
Customers, employees, regulators, investors, and the public are demanding that businesses become more ecologically sustainable. The burden of regulations and environmental taxes is increasing, and there is an urgent need for businesses to act.
Tropical Timber:
Overexploitation and Limited Resources
Due to global overexploitation, tropical timber stocks are declining sharply and whole tropical rainforests are under threat of disappearance. In addition to the loss of biodiversity and the negative impact on the global climate this entails, it also means that the quantity and quality of available tropical timber has fallen dramatically. On top of this, we have increasingly stringent import directives and trade restrictions.
Environmentally Harmful Plastic:
A Lack of Alternatives
Excessive use of crude oil-based plastics in everyday products is causing major harm to our environment. Their manufacture generates large quantities of greenhouse gases, and the absence of recycling systems has resulted in significant waste problems. At the same time, we are faced with a distinct lack of viable alternatives.
Sustainability as a Key
Strategic Success Factor
Any business today that does not have an ecological sustainability concept is running a huge risk. A consistently implemented sustainability strategy allows a business to gain an effective edge over its competitors. Businesses can profit here from efficiency gains and strong positioning in the sales, labor and capital markets.
The Three-Pillar Model of Sustainable Development: FAQ
What is a sustainable business?
By sustainable business we mean an organization that focuses its activities in equal measure on people, the planet and profit. Economic interests follow a holistic strategy to ensure long-term growth and profitability rather than focusing solely on the short-term. Sustainable businesses focus on environmentally friendly products and processes to conserve resources. They are also committed to social justice, diversity, job security and fair working conditions. This gives them a competitive edge and increases their attractiveness to employees and investors.
The template here is John Elkington’s triple bottom line (TBL) concept, which outlines the three-pillar model of sustainability, comprising people (social aspects), the planet (ecological aspects) and profit/prosperity (economic aspects).
What is the “people” dimension in the three-pillar model of sustainable development?
In the three-pillar model of sustainable development (triple bottom line), the “people” dimension represents the social aspects of sustainability. It focuses on the interests of the interests of the various stakeholder groups. These are all the people who are affected by a business’ decisions, including, for example, employees, customers or stakeholders along the supply chain. Key aspects of this dimension include upholding human rights and avoiding exploitation. The business should also combat poverty, create educational opportunities and pay fair wages.
What does the “planet” dimension in the three-pillar model of sustainable development involve?
According to the three-pillar model of sustainable development, the “planet” dimension represents the ecological aspects of sustainability. Under the TBL concept, the resources that a business uses should not exceed the amount that the Earth can regenerate in the same period. Resources include water and raw materials extracted from the ground and from the air. A business can adapt its production process, for example, by saving water or using renewable energies. Recycling also plays a major role here.
What does the “profit/prosperity“ dimension in the three-pillar model of sustainable development include?
In the three-pillar model of sustainability (triple bottom line), the “profit/prosperity” dimension represents the economic aspects of sustainability. The focus here is on maximizing profit. The business’ aim is to earn money and make a profit with its products and services. From society’s viewpoint, however, a business is only successful if the social, ecological and economic dimensions are in balance. It is only the balance of these three pillars that ultimately leads to sustainable economic success.
Certified Wood, Guaranteed Sustainability.

Swiss Wood Solutions is FSC®-certified (FSC®-C181622). FSC® stands for “Forest Stewardship Council®”. FSC® certification is internationally recognized and verifies that forests are being used in line with the social, economic and ecological needs of current and future generations.

“Swiss Wood” certification guarantees that the wood used is of Swiss origin and meets the highest of standards, namely that its production is environmentally friendly and transport routes are short. Swiss Wood Solutions is “Swiss Wood”-certified.

PEFC stands for “Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification”. Wood products from PEFC-certified businesses are verifiably sourced from sustainably managed forests. Swiss Wood Solutions is PEFC-certified.
Accolades for Our Wood-Based Technologies –
Awards and Funding.
As a greentech incubator, we feel we have an important role to play in our society. Using wood-based technologies, we develop real solutions to the challenges that humans and the environment are facing today and will face in the future. Various national and European organizations have recognized this, supporting our innovations with funding programs and awards.

Looking for a Specific Greentech Solution for Your Business?
Talk to Us.
We support sustainable businesses with our wood-based technology innovations and develop new business models to help them on their journey to greater sustainability. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about bespoke greentech solutions or your project idea.